Julia R.

Jeremy Sherwood-----Richard Bryant

Filmography / Filmographie

  1. "Army Wives" .... Jeremy Sherwood / ... (21 episodes, 2007-2010)
        - Scars and Stripes (2010) TV episode .... Jeremy Sherwood
        - Collateral Damage (2010) TV episode .... Jeremy Sherwood
        - Fields of Fire (2009) TV episode .... Jeremy Sherwood
        - Fire in the Hole (2009) TV episode .... Jeremy Sherwood
        - Shrapnel and Alibis (2009) TV episode .... Jeremy Sherwood
          (16 more)

  2. All for Liberty (2009) .... Gus
  3. "One Tree Hill" .... Stoner #1 (1 episode, 2004)
        - What Is and What Should Never Be (2004) TV episode .... Stoner #1



Biography / Biographie

Date of Birth
22 September 1984, California, USA
Birth Name
Guy Richard Bryant
Nickname- Surnom
5' 11" (1.80 m)

Attended Trident Technical College in Charleston, South Carolina.
Graduated high school in 2002 from the Charleston County School of the Arts, where he was a theatre major.
Attended preschool at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Charleston, SC.

By IMDb.

Richard est diplômé de l'école d'Art de Charleston en 2002, en théâtre et de la "Trident Technical College" .  Il était à l'école de l'Eglise Luthérienne à Charleston également.

Richard Bryant on Lowcountry Live  03 28 2011  

Army Wives "Jeremy Sherwood" Richard Bryant on WTMA, Charleston

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